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Czech Industrial Property Market Third Quarter: Streamlining operations gives companies crucial competitive advantage

The rising prices of construction materials and energy, the increasing cost of land for new construction, a lack of crucial components to ensure continuous production and workforce shortages are all afflicting the industrial sector in the Czech Republic. One solution in regard to the availability of industrial real estate would seem to be the optimising of operations and more frequent investment by many companies into the automation of routine activities.


COVID-19 vs. commercial real estate: who will come out of the pandemic as the winner?

Commercial real estate has been under pressure from the coronavirus for several months now. At the beginning of the year 2020, a slight cooling of the market and reduction in demand was observed. And with the advent of March, it was clear that COVID-19 will also affect the real estate market. After the initial uncertainty, and reassessment of which operating model will pay off under the constantly changing conditions and restrictions, the situation is gradually stabilising. Today, we can evaluate which real estate market segments fared the best in the battle.


The impact of the global coronavirus pandemic is reflected across all sectors. Including commercial real estate

Extensive restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic have also impacted the commercial real estate market. The first consequences are now evident, and many sectors may end up facing existential difficulties. At the current time, however, it is retail which is suffering most, its activities cut back heavily. We are going to have to wait a few months more, however, to evaluate the true consequences of the worldwide coronavirus crisis.


China Investment Forum 2017, Prague

Projects involving representatives of China and 16 Central and Eastern European states are being discussed at a two-day Chinese investment forum taking place at Prague Castle.


Jeremiášova 947 Business Park with new owner

Jeremiášova 947 Business Park, a 11,8 hectare park in Prague Stodůlky providing 32,000 square meters of commercial premises, has recently changed the owner. The property belonging to the KONSTRUKTIVA LOKUS company has been sold to a Czech private investor. The new owner plans to further run and develop the park.
