Slovakia Transport Infrastructure Conference CEDES 2017

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Slovak economy belongs among 9 the fastest growing economies within European Union. According to the European committee, Bratislava region ended up according to GPD index as the 3rd most ample region. The reason is that most of the large business companies as well as agencies of government are situated here.

Bratislava region is very unique compared to other regions in Slovakia. Bratislava as a capital city has very strong position within; its inhabitants are 70% of the region inhabitants.

In growing economy grow business opportunities. Private investors offer new projects, which not only offer solution in its core, but offer solutions for the infrastructure and its growth. Their keen interest is to offer solutions for further growth along with the city municipals. Developments of trolley road, river ship transport or cable railway are only pieces of offered solutions.

Branislav Jendek, managing partner of Slovak 108 AGENCY will take a part in the panel discussion from 10:20 called Bratislava’s infrastructure: Time for Action. More information about CEDES 2017: