SKLAD association on team building

SKLAD is an independent initiative of leading suppliers operating in the area of logistics and production. The association offers the services in all the related fields including a finding suitable commercial property, its equipment and funding. SKLAD helps the firms to simplify the whole process of their project implementation, from worry to contact more suppliers to the extra costs due to ineffective communication among the different entities. A wide spectrum of cooperating companies in the SKLAD simply ensures everything necessary for a client "in one package".
Among the SKLAD members belong a real esate consulting company 108 AGENCY, technology and consulting company AIMTEC, renowned company in the field of industrial automation and regulated drives BLUMENBECKER Prag, JK Logistika providing complex solution for intralogistics, supplier of complex automated material handling systems LogTech, supplier of handling equipment STILL as well as STOW one of the world's top producers of racking systems and Zebra Technologies which is specialized in producing barcode scanners, mobile terminals, RFID and network components The association was established in 2014.
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