In Q4 2023, the interest rate was cut for the first time since 2022
• In Q4/2023 stock of "A" class industrial premises for lease reached 11,986,713 sq m. 280,850 sq m of new industrial premises were delivered to the market. Over 1 million sq m of new premises were delivered to the market in 2023.
• There were 1,316,340 sq m under construction across all major industrial locations in the Czech Republic. Construction activity remains high and it will not slow down until the end of H1/2024 if we take current projects in consideration.
• The vacancy rate increases again to 3.13% which represents 375,252 sq m with shell and core premises included. Excluding them, the vacancy rate slightly decreased to 1.99% with 239,043 sq m available. Most of the available premises are located in the Central Bohemia region and Moravian-Silesian region.
• Both net and gross take-up returned to normal values after the Q3 slump. Gross take-up reached 485,147 sq m while net take-up reached 311,384 sq m. Majority of the leases were signed by logistics and wholesale companies. Demand by manufacturing companies has increased again after the outage in Q3.
In Q4 2023, the interest rate was cut for the first time since 2022