108 giving help

Thirty-year old Eliška was a top athlete a few years ago, one of her achievements being a national bronze medal with her handball team. Three months after her wedding, she suffered a cerebral thrombosis. The doctors put her in a coma, giving her little chance of surviving, and she gave birth to her son Matěj while she was in the coma. The only successful treatments which have able to help Eliška are targeted neurorehabilitation programmes, which have even managed to get her off her wheelchair and back onto her feet again. She simply wouldn’t be able to get on without these programmes.
Eliška battles every day to get back to normal life and her family. Here at 108 Agency, we’re really pleased we’ve been able to support her, collecting enough money together to help her fund the rehabilitation she so needs. We wish Eliška all the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles in her way. We’re rooting for you!