108 AGENCY makes organisational changes in sales teams structure

Jakub Holec, founder and CEO has spoken of the structural changes which have affected the sales teams in particular: “Our company has entered its second decade of operation on the Czech commercial real estate market. This year we are focusing on a new configuration for company operation due to the dynamically changing market and the new needs of our clients and business partners. We continue to endeavour to be the leader in the commercial real estate market, and we felt that without necessary changes we will be unable to move on to the next level.”
As part of the organisational changes, Robert Sgariboldi has been assigned to lead the industrial real estate team, while continuing in his role as CFO. “While working for us, Robert has helped us to make the financial and controlling processes within the company more efficient. With his extensive experience of multinational logistics companies, he has also been involved in developing commercial activities through industrial transactions. His nomination as Head of Industrial Agency was thus a natural step,” says Jakub Holec.
“The industrial real estate market is at a high level in the Czech Republic, and it continues to provide many opportunities for our successful operation and expansion into CEE countries (note: this year the company has expanded into the Hungarian market and is planning to open further subsidiaries). At the same time, however, we need to bear in mind the highly competitive environment, the changing supply and demand within different locations, the implementation of new modern technologies across industry, and the increasing importance of sustainable development in terms of both buildings themselves and their operation… We want to continue to excel amongst consultancies in this sector and I am of the firm conviction that our new strategy, team and competencies will make us always the first choice for our clients,” adds Robert Sgariboldi.
Katarína Holcová, who has been actively involved in the company’s development since the start of this year, will continue to focus on the company’s human potential and the acquisition of new talent for the further development of the company and our premium services on the Czech real estate market in her role as CHRO. At the same time, she will take on management of the Office and Commercial Leases sales team, which covers the real estate market in Prague, Brno and Ostrava.
The transformed team within the 108 Investment Advisory, the company division focused on real estate and land sales and acquisitions, will now be led in person by company CEO, Jakub Holec, who gives this summary: “We are all strong personalities and we want to transform the best of us for further development. Over recent years, the company has grown significantly, we have an excellent client portfolio which we are truly grateful for, and we have a strong data base. We are now implementing a strategy and executive structure which will lead us successfully through the next decade.”