108 AGENCY has become the holder of the HOF Awards 2021 prize for the third time in a row

The sixth annual HOF Awards 2021 ceremony took place on the 23rd of September in the Prague Marriott Hotel as part of the CEDEM conference. Following the victory in several categories in the CIJ Awards 2020 competition, 108 AGENCY made it to the finals and won first prize in the Best Industrial/Warehouse Real Estate Agency category for the third year in a row.
Over the last twelve months, the company has leased more than 85,000 sq m of warehouse space in Slovakia. The most successful transactions there include arranging the lease of 25,000 sq m in Sihoť Park Trenčín for MAN, the lease of 15,400 sq m for Dedoles in the P3 Senec park, and the lease of 9,000 sq m to Berlin Brands Group in GLP Park Bratislava Senec.
In the Czech Republic, 108 AGENCY brokered the lease of an area of 103,000 sq m. The most significant transactions are the lease of more than 8,000 sq m in Prologis Park Prague-Airport to DSV Solutions, the lease of 7,828 sq m to Toyota Material Handling CZ in Prologis Park Prague-Rudná, and the extension of a lease of 5,342 sq m for Country Life in Prologis Park Prague-Rudná.
During this period, 108 AGENCY’s Hungarian branch brokered the lease of more than 42,000 sq m. Significant transactions include the arrangement of a 6,508 sq m expansion for Flextronics in Prologis Park Budapest-Gyál, and the renegotiation of 3,422 sq m for KS Spedition in Prologis Park Budapest-Sziget. On behalf of the developer Prologis, it arranged the sale of a 76 hectare plot to Futureal in the town of Fót.
108 AGENCY covers the entire Czech Republic, Slovakia, and since last year also Hungary. The branches in all the countries work closely together, and intensively expand their teams of professionals. Another novelty introduced in 2020 is the “108 industrial map” – an application, updated daily, that makes it easier for users to orient themselves in the current menu of menu of industrial premises in the Czech Republic, and since this autumn also in Slovakia. 108 AGENCY is therefore building a long-term market leader position in commercial real estate brokerage via an experienced team and a data-driven approach.
“I would like to thank the entire 108 AGENCY team for their excellent work, all our clients for their trust, and business partners for their constant support. I am extremely glad that, for the third year in a row, we managed to defend the title of Best Industrial Agency in the Market. The competition is very strong every year, so I am all the more pleased that, thanks to hard work and team spirit, we managed to win this award once again. At the same time, however, it is a big commitment for us, and the challenge for the future is to constantly improve our services so that we can succeed again next year,” says Jakub Holec, founder and CEO of 108 AGENCY.
“Despite the difficult situation that the whole world found itself in in 2020, I can evaluate this year as successful. I’m proud of my team, which managed to defend the repeat victories of previous years, and flexibly adapted to new conditions. Winning this award further confirms 108 AGENCY’s excellent position in the commercial real estate consulting market. We thank our business partners and loyal clients for their trust, and look forward to the new challenges that the coming years will bring,” says Branislav Jendek, Managing Director of the Slovak 108 AGENCY.
Since 2015, 108 AGENCY has been regularly ranking in leading positions in the prestigious real estate competition in Central Europe, CIJ Awards. Over the last four years, the Czech and Slovak branches have won several categories. In 2018, for example, 108 AGENCY Slovakia won the CIJ Best Warehouse Lease award for brokering the lease of industrial space of an area of approximately 40,000 sq m.
The Hall of Fame Awards is the culmination of the entire CIJ Awards series. Winning projects and companies from all of Central and Eastern Europe face each other, and compete for the Best of the Best HOF Awards prize. Every year, the winners of previous CIJ Awards are nominated. These series of competitions take place in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia.